Hip-hop is considered a culture and also as an art movement that was created by African Americans, Latino Americans and Caribbean Americans in Bronx, New York City. There are four elements of hip hop that are considered essential to understanding it musically. Rapping, DJing, b-boying/b-girling/breakdancing (dance) and graffiti.
Talking about Hip-hop music which is popularly known as Rap music started by Latino-Americans and African-Americans, it all began with penning down the thoughts lyrically and chanting the rhymes along with a rhythmic beat. The lyrics mostly spoke about their situation as minorities or marginalised.
While Rappers use words to express, Hip-hop dance allows a person to express himself/herself in a unique way by giving them the freedom to flip, slip, pop and rock the steps by adding their touch to it. Hip-hop dance can be traced to very recent times because it doesn’t have a history that goes way back in time. Hip-hop first became popular or came to the limelight as a separate form of dance in the 1960s and ’70s. This does not mean that the music and culture is something that has emerged all of a sudden out of nowhere, the movement and the music have strong roots that date back and have existed from a long time ago. The hip-Hop dance form, however, is a dance form that is known to have started from humble beginnings and has now become a part of our staple pop culture. In brief, this dance form has evolved from the streets; it began in New York with people who were not professional dancers but just had an instinct for dance.